Create a Payment Intent through Stripe using PHP

January 24, 2024

$stripe_secret_key = '#######################';

$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient($stripe_secret_key);

$grand_total = 100;

try {
$intent = $stripe -> paymentIntents -> create(
	'amount' => $grand_total * 100,
	'currency' => 'usd',
	'payment_method' => 'Card',
	'automatic_payment_methods' => ['enabled' => true],

    echo 'Your credit card payment was successful';

} catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
    // The card has been declined
    echo 'Your credit card has been declined: ' . $e -> getMessage();


echo 'Client Secret: ' . $intent -> client_secret . '< br >';
echo 'Stripe Payment Intent ID: ' . $intent -> id . '< br >';
echo 'Payment Intent Status: ' . $intent -> status . '< br >';


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